Es ist mal wieder Zeit fuer einen Supercut. Diesmal geht es um Kinder und ihre besten Freunde. In nur vier Minuten kann man herausfinden ob man ein Roboter ist oder nicht. Die hinterlegte Musik wuerde zwar wahrscheinlich so ziemlich alles zu total emotionalen Videos machen, aber wen juckt’s. Hier passt es super und ausserdem will man den Roboter-Test doch auch bestehen, oder?
Nice try, Burger Fiction. You almost brought us to tears with this emotional supercut of fictional kids and their fictional best friends. But we stayed strong. Even when we saw Free Willy jump over that ridge, even when we saw Boo hug her kitty, even when we remembered that “Superman” part in The Iron Giant, we weren’t moved. We’re all adults here, and we’ve definitely grown out of these bona-fide classic films and their most heartfelt moments.
Now excuse us, we have to make a run to buy three boxes of tissues for non-crying related reasons.
via This Movie Kid Friendship Supercut Will Not Make You Cry, Not At All – Dorkly Post.
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